16 August 2011

Hoosierland living.

We've settled into a routine here in Indiana.

Monday-Saturday Jeff goes to work. He's working for a super small, local security company. His hours are different every day. One day a week he goes to Northwest Indiana/ East of Chicago area. These days he's gone from 4:30 am until around 1 am. This is sad for him because he has a 21 hour work day and sad for me because I don't get to see him basically for a whole day (but really it's sadder for him).

I'm home all day with Tater Tot (my dad's cat), Winston (our gerbil), and Baby Poole. Mostly what I do is grow a baby and read Harry Potter. A few days of the week I hang out with my brother Tyler and his daughter Malia since our spouses are at work (but Malia doesn't have a spouse...she's only 2). Sometimes I get to see Katie Crabill, but she's leaving me for school soon. My dad comes home around 4:30 usually. We're living with him because moving made us poor.

Even though Jeff's work schedule is whack and we don't know as many people here as in Rexburg, we've been a lot more social. I think this is because Jeff usually doesn't work nights, we have no homework, and Tyler and Shannon like us.

So far we have:
Gone to a baseball game
Eaten at a Mexican restaurant
Saw Harry Potter 7 pt 2
Eaten Mexican ice cream x2
Eaten at an Amish buffet
Eaten at a downtown pizza place
Eaten at a Chinese buffet
Rented lots of movies from Family Video
Found a house Frank Lloyd Wright built
Eaten crab rangoon x3 (x4 for Amy)
Hung out with family
Eaten Yum-Mee's cupcakes (x2 for Amy)
Eaten at a Cuban sandwich shop
...We've been doing a lot of eating. Fort Wayne is the city of churches and restaurants.


  1. I don't want to be leaving you. Just come stay with me in Muncie. I have a spare bedroom!!!!

  2. I love Amish buffets! Went to one in PA once.
