12 November 2011

A month of thankful hearts: Week 1

(These are some things that I love/am grateful for. Tis the season.)

1. I love when Baby Poole moves around and my stomach does the wave because it looks like an alien invaded my body or something.
2. I love when something is SO funny that I can't stop laughing and then Jeff starts laughing at me because what I think is funny is random to him.
3. I love watching Tator Tot (my dad's cat) sleep because he sleeps in positions that make him look dead and snores.
4. I love when Jeff says our family prayers because he always remembers to pray for things that I forget about.
5. I love looking back on hard times and realizing that Heavenly Father was taking extra good care of me then. Most of the time through other people.
6. I love when Winston (el gerbil) first starts running in his ball because he almost falls backwards because he is jumping so hard.
7. I love when I get the e-mail saying the book I put on hold at the library has come in. It's like Christmas every time.
8. I love when we sing my favorite hymns at church. It's like Heavenly Father is rewarding me for going.
9. I love talking to Jeff when we're laying in bed. So much that sometimes I keep talking to him even after he's fallen asleep.
10. I love that so many people talked to Jeff and I after stake conference tonight. We felt so popular and cool. Usually only the missionaries and my relatives talk to us after church.
11. I love praying and feeling that Yes, I am loved; Yes, I am remembered; Yes, I am important; Yes, it will be okay.
12. I love going downstairs and seeing Jeff play his video game because the chair by that TV is backwards so he kneels in it with his hands propped on the back of the chair. (This actually doesn't happen any more because I made him turn the chair around so he would be more comfortable. But it was really funny before that.)
13. I love when Jeff gets really close to my stomach and talks to Ezra and whispers so I can't hear what he's saying.
14. I love feelings that are so strong that I can't express them with words.
15. I love leftover Halloween candy.

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